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Exploring Amazon TACoS: The Essence of Advertising Cost

Last updated on January 23rd, 2024 at 06:51 am

To be profitable, Amazon sellers must understand all costs. Amazon Advertising campaigns can be difficult to judge. All sellers should measure their total advertising cost per sale (TACoS) for Amazon PPC campaigns. 

Amazon’s 2012 ads platform allowed brands to target customers on and off the site with display ads. Amazon’s PPC metrics have changed as the platform has grown into an e-commerce titan. 


Optimization selects the most relevant and effective keywords for adverts. Research your target clients’ search terms for similar products to optimize your keywords. Test your Amazon Keywords in advertising and track their performance once you have a list. Keyword optimization tips:

  • Build a broad keyword list and narrow it based on performance.
  • Utilize Amazon’s Search Terms Report to find new keywords.
  • To eliminate irrelevant or low-performing search phrases from your ads, use negative keywords.

Organic snack sellers want to optimize the keyword approach. Try “organic snacks,” “healthy snacks,” and “snacks for kids.” Over time, “organic snacks” and “healthy snacks” may be your top keywords, whereas “snacks for kids” may not be. Use negative keywords to remove “snacks for kids” from your ads.

Ad Concept A/B

Ad creative A/B testing compares versions to find which works best. Find ad language and visual elements that resonate with your target group using this strategy. Ad creative A/B testing tips:

  • Try a headline or Amazon listing images to evaluate each change.
  • Statically significant samples should be large. Amazon suggests paying $50 per day per ad.
  • Split-testing by Amazon simplifies ad comparisons.

Consider testing different copies for your organic snack bar ads. Create two ads: “Healthy Organic Snack Bars” and “Nourishing Organic Snack Bars.” After advertising, “Nourishing” may sell more. Apply the best headline to your ads to improve performance.

Bidding Strategies

To maximize ad spend ROI, bid management strategies modify bid amounts depending on performance data. Helpful bid management tips:

  • Choose a moderate bid amount and adjust based on performance.
  • Use automatic bidding to let Amazon change offers depending on conversion likelihood.
  • Bid modifiers boost or decrease keyword or audience bids.

If you’re advertising organic snack bars, you might wish to optimize your bids. Starting at $1.50 per click, Amazon’s automated bidding can change your bids based on performance. Some times of the day or days of the week may work better for your adverts. To optimize ad performance, utilize bid modifiers to raise bids at peak hours.

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Top Practices, Benchmarks, And Profitability

Typical TACOS by Sector

When it comes to Amazon, TACoS benchmarks fluctuate between sectors and product types. You can’t possibly know how you’re doing in comparison to the competition without knowing the average TACoS for your industry. Samples of typical TACoS rates across several sectors are presented below:

  • In the personal care and cosmetics industry, TACoS criteria usually fall between 10% and 20%.
  • When it comes to electronics, TACoS benchmarks often range from 20% to 30%.
  • For the house and kitchen, TACoS standards may be anything from fifteen percent to twenty-five percent.
  • The clothes and other items industry often sees TACoS goals ranging from 10% to 20%.

Although elements like advertising tactics, product pricing, and competition might affect individual performance, keeping an eye on industry-specific standards can help establish reasonable TACoS targets.

TACoS Suggested Practices

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your TACoS on Amazon:

  • Find relevant and high-converting keywords by conducting extensive keyword research. To get the most out of your keyword list, you should review it often and make adjustments as needed.
  • To improve TACoS and cut down on unnecessary ad spending, try using negative keywords to filter out useless search queries.
  • Keep an eye on your daily ad budget and make adjustments as needed to make sure it’s in line with your profitability goals. This will help you achieve your advertising goals without going overboard.
  • Constantly assess performance data and modify bid amounts accordingly. Find the sweet spot between exposure and cost-effectiveness by optimizing your bids.
  • Before allocating your ad budget, test several placements to see which ones perform best, such as top-of-search and product pages.

Your Amazon creatives efforts will be more effective and your TACoS will decrease over time If you follow these best practices.

Effects of TACoS on Earnings Per Share

Even while optimizing TACoS is essential you also need to make sure that your profit margins are not compromised. If profit margins aren’t considered when cutting TACoS, the company can end up losing money.

As an example, imagine a Seller on Amazon that offers electronic devices with a 25% TACoS and a 35% profit margin. They risk losing money if they avoid tracking profit margins in favor of lowering TACoS. That is why it is so important to calculate the net profit gain from TACoS reduction.

Goals for the Long and Short Term of TACOS

It is critical to think about both the near and far future when establishing TACoS goals. There may be an increase in TACoS at the outset if short-term objectives place a premium on aggressive brand positioning, client acquisition, or market penetration.

 Nevertheless, attaining sustainable profitability needs to be the primary focus of long-term objectives. As an example, a new Amazon seller may initially focus on increasing their TACoS to capture a larger portion of the market and build their brand. Their long-term objective may change from maximizing profits to reducing TACoS as they gather momentum and loyal customers.

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Amazon TACoS vs. ACoS: Understanding the Relationship

Understanding ACoS

Getting a grip on ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales) ACoS is a measure that shows how much of your sales revenue goes towards advertising. This can be expressed as follows:

Cost of Sales (ACoS) = (Ad Spend / Sales Revenue) * 100

If your advertising expenditure is $100 and your sales revenue is $1,000, your ACoS would be 10%. You may see the efficiency of particular ad campaigns or keywords with ACoS represented as a percentage. 

Having a lower ACoS is generally a good thing because it means that you are spending less money on advertising compared to your sales revenue.

Tacos and ACoS: The Connection

The advertising cost-to-sales ratio (TACoS) considers total advertising expenditures as a percentage of total sales (organic and paid), whereas advertising cost-to-revenue ratio (ACoS) focuses on the relationship between ad spend and sales income. 

By adding up all of the sales your ad campaigns bring in, TACoS gives you a complete picture of how effective your ads are, paid or organic.

The following formula is used to calculate TACoS:

This is the formula for TACOS: (Advertising Spend / Total Sales) * 100.

  • Your TACoS would be 10% if, for instance, you spent $100 on ads and made $1,000 in sales (organic and paid combined), for a total of $1,000.
  • By combining your organic and paid traffic, the TACoS statistic calculates the total effect of your ads on sales. Your overall advertising efforts’ efficiency and return on investment (ROI) can be better understood with its help.
  • While both amazon ACoS and TACoS take advertising expenditures as a percentage of revenue, ACoS focuses on the efficacy of specific campaigns or keywords, whereas TACoS takes a more all-encompassing view.

How Amazon TACOS Will Affect Your Company

The TACoS metric on Amazon FBA can significantly affect your company. If you don’t know what you’re doing or keep an eye on the trends, you can easily miss out on this powerful instrument that can help you raise your revenue. Let’s take a look at some further ways TACoS can revolutionize your Amazon Business:

On the Rise and Fall of Sales Cycles

If your sales are skyrocketing, then life is excellent. Despite cutting back on advertising, you’re pleased to see sales going up. A seasonal upswing, sales, or even word-of-mouth advertising could be to blame.

However, it’s discouraging when sales plummet. You might be feeling like you’ve hit a plateau, yet you still haven’t reduced your advertising budget. This can be due to issues like fewer consumers finding your stuff organically or bad reviews.

Staying on top of Amazon PPC optimization is the key. Action is needed when negative cycles develop. Adjusting your ad techniques can help you maintain income and profitability. Remember, your marketing strategy affects good and negative cycles. Thus, monitoring your TACoS for each ad group and product can reveal the truth.

 Link Ads to Profitability Ratio

Decreases in Amazon TACoS are typically good. This is fantastic news because it shows that your organic efforts are yielding a positive result: more revenue!

But if your TACoS is on the rise, it could mean that you’re boosting sales through sponsored search and promoted goods. This is acceptable if your profit margin is expanding. To find out how profitable your campaigns are, you need to keep an eye on both metrics.

It’s not often that TACoS increases while ACoS decreases. This occurs when advertising expenditure falls short of organic sales, a critical problem that needs fixing immediately.

This is the result of an urgently needed issue: your organic sales aren’t matching your ad spending. If you want to run profitable campaigns and make good decisions, you need to monitor your TACoS closely.

Recent Developments in TACOS

Amazon Changes to Their Algorithm

To better serve its customers and achieve more precise marketing goals, Amazon is continuously innovating its algorithms. Modifications to these algorithms could have a significant impact on TACoS. Keep in mind the following:

  • When determining ad placement, Amazon’s Algorithms place a premium on two metrics: ad relevance and conversion rates. When your ads become more visible and attract higher-quality traffic—traffic that is both relevant to user searches and converts—you may observe a decline in TACoS.

Rival Bid Wars

It is feasible to modify the degree of competition in ad auctions by adjusting the algorithms. A rise in TACoS could be the outcome of increased competition leading to higher bids. To ensure everything goes according to plan, monitor the progress of the bid competition and adjust your pitch appropriately.

TACoS Seasonal Variations

The time of year and consumer preferences might also cause tacos to change. Consider the following:

Peak Seasons

Holidays, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday are all times when retailers strive to outdo one another in terms of sales volume. Price increases and, eventually, TACoS increases, may result from this heightened level of competition. 

By being aware of and ready for these peak seasons, you may maximize sales, optimize your advertising spend, and successfully manage TACoS.

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Competition may drop during sluggish sales months, lowering bids and TACoS. Adjusting ad spend and bidding strategy at these times can optimize visibility and costs.

Demand for particular goods or categories can change seasonally. Understand product seasonality and change your advertising plan. Monitor and adapt to seasonal TACoS changes to better match your advertising approach to market demand and optimize ad budget.

Assessing Success

Maintaining vigilance and good monitoring in Amazon advertising is like having a reliable compass in strange waters. Without careful tracking, you risk aimlessly navigating a sea of data, unsure if your campaigns are successful or inefficient.

 It’s Important to Track

It’s dangerous to sail without navigational devices. Without strong tracking, ad campaigns can damage your advertising investment. Tracking accurately helps you steer your campaign and make timely course corrections to prevent mistakes.

KPIs are like a roadmap for your journey. KPIs should guide you to your advertising goals by aligning with campaign goals. 

Establishing Success KPIs

Suppose you want to boost sales. In this case, ROAS and Conversion Rate are your North Stars. To increase brand visibility, Impressions, and Amazon CTR are key. By setting and monitoring these KPIs, you can guide your campaigns to success. Amazon provides insights and tools to assist you in navigating your advertising journey.

Amazon’s Reporting Dashboard

Think about using Amazon Advertising’s reporting dashboard in your ship’s command center. It gives you detailed campaign performance analytics to track KPIs and optimize. ROAS may show that one campaign performs well while another struggles.

To gain a more complete understanding of your advertising landscape, consider incorporating third-party analytics tools like Google Analytics, similar to how experienced sailors use navigational aids. This tool shows your past and undiscovered opportunities.

Amazon provides detailed campaign data for Sponsored Products, Brands, and Displays ad types. Imagine having specialty maps for various portions of your trip. These reports highlight which campaigns are performing well and which need adjustments.

Amazon TACoS Case Studies

Case studies offer valuable insights into effective strategies for reducing total addressable clutter and lessons learned from unsuccessful strategies in the ever-changing Amazon advertising world. For a full picture of what works and what doesn’t, let’s look at the 4 examples.

Case study 1

A specialty electronics store wanted to stay ahead of the competition by lowering its TACoS without sacrificing sales.

  • Executed comprehensive keyword research to discover low-competition keywords with strong conversion rates.
  • Specifically used negative keywords to weed out unrelated visitors.
  • The results show that in the first month, TACoS was reduced by 20%.
  • Reduced advertising costs while maintaining a steady flow of revenue.

Case study 2

A garment manufacturer wanted to maximize TACoS throughout the busiest times of the year.

  • Scheduled advertising efforts to coincide with key holidays and fashion events.
  • Developed trend-oriented marketing campaigns with eye-catching, ever-changing aesthetics that mirror the latest styles.
  • Adapted bid tactics to take advantage of peak seasons’ higher demand.
  • As a result, during peak seasons, TACoS decreased by 15%.
  • Gained a larger portion of the market when demand was high.

Case study 3

A tech gadget seller wanted to try something new with their ads.

  • Worked influencer marketing and social media into Amazon’s advertising strategies.
  • Enhanced brand exposure through coordinated cross-channel promotional activities.
  • Refined ad tactics on each platform by monitoring cross-channel performance statistics.
  • As a result of increasing sales and diversifying revenue streams, we were able to achieve a 25% reduction in TACoS.

Case study 4

A seller selling cosmetics encountered increasing TACoS without correspondingly higher sales.

  • Putting a lot of weight on competitive domain names.
  • Getting clicks from those looking for irrelevant products because negative keyword implementation is ignored.
  • Not adjusting bids according to how specific keywords are doing.
  • The result was a decline in total profitability due to a 30% increase in TACOS.
  • Adapted approach by adjusting bids and honing keyword selection.

Case study 5

A home decor brand’s visually appealing products were not enough to overcome their high TACOS.

  • Not using A/B testing for ad creatives causes content to become less interesting and stagnant.
  • Disconnecting from the intended demographic by downplaying the significance of lifestyle imagery.
  • Continuously utilizing the identical ad creatives without introducing new content.
  • The results showed that the overall campaign efficiency was affected by the persistently high TACoS.
  • Ad creative A/B testing was implemented and TACoS was gradually reduced.

Understanding First-Touch and Multi-Touch Strategies

Optimization of campaigns in the Amazon advertising space relies heavily on knowing the consumer journey and linking conversions to particular touchpoints. 

Different from one another, the two most well-known attribution models provide different ways to credit interactions that occur during the customer’s journey to purchase: First-Touch Attribution and Multi-Touch Attribution.

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The First-Touch Attribution Concept

All of the credit for a conversion goes to the first touchpoint a consumer experienced in their journey, according to First-Touch Attribution. This is typically the very first ad contact that piques a customer’s interest in a product on Amazon.


  • The attribution process is simple and involves giving credit to the first point of contact.
  • It shows you exactly which interactions are leading up to conversions.


  • Ignores the impact of following points of contact during the customer journey.
  • Misses opportunities for increased ad engagement in later stages.

So, let’s say a consumer sees a laptop ad, clicks on it, and then goes on to buy the tablet. All of the sale credit under First-Touch Attribution goes to the first click on the Sponsored Product ad.

Multi-Touch Attribution: The Idea Behind It

With Multi-Touch Attribution, all the points in the customer journey may be identified and given credit. Customers may engage with adverts across multiple media before completing a purchase, and this is taken into account.


  • Provides a bird’s-eye perspective of the customer journey by taking all point interactions into account.
  • By spreading credit out over several phases, balanced credit allows for a more complex comprehension of conversion drivers.


  • There are a lot of touchpoints, which can make Multi-Touch Attribution analysis and implementation more complicated.
  • It’s not always easy to figure out how to divide up credit.

After seeing a laptop ad in the Sponsored Brands section, a consumer clicks through to a linked video ad before completing the purchase. To ensure that each of these touchpoints is acknowledged for its contribution, Multi-Touch Attribution would distribute credit accordingly.

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Choosing the Right Attribution Model

  • For primary brand awareness goals, First-Touch Attribution could be a good fit.
  • Using Multi-Touch Attribution could help you get a better grasp on the customer journey’s complexities.
  • Look at past data to see how people usually engage with your ads.
  • Determine the most common places of contact that lead to sales.
  • Put both models into action and evaluate the outcomes.
  • You should modify your attribution model according to the objectives of every campaign or product group.

Regulatory Compliance and TACoS

To keep the marketplace honest and open, Amazon has strict advertising rules that sellers must follow. Infractions of these policies may lead to disciplinary actions, such as the revocation of advertising privileges.

Important Compliance Areas

  • Make sure that the information about products is accurate and truthful.
  • Ads for Restricted Products and Other Prohibited Content: Please refrain from doing so.
  • Fair and accurate pricing must be maintained by Amazon’s rules.
  • Regarding customer reviews, make sure to follow all policies regarding not soliciting or manipulating them.

Take the case of a seller who makes an exaggerated claim about the healing powers of their herb or product. Advertising licenses could be suspended due to Amazon’s policy infractions, which would have a detrimental impact on TACoS.

Bottom Line

Amazon sellers can better manage the ever-changing industry using ACoS and TACoS information. They get the most for their money and establish solid foundations for success.


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