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What Are the Big 4 For Your Product Launch?

Last updated on July 31st, 2024 at 01:38 pm

Launching a new product is both exciting and hard.  Watching your products go on sale is the best feeling in the world. It can, however, feel like you’re in the lab of a crazy expert. It looks like it has all the science tools, switches, and flashing buttons you want to touch. On the other hand, it’s not clear what to do. 

A successful product launch takes a lot of time, study, and work, which is something most people don’t know. Not just getting your product on the market or making sure it’s good isn’t enough.

 If you jump right into it, what looked like a surefire win could become a costly and disappointing start.  If the launch of a great product isn’t planned well, it will fail in the market.

You will need a carefully planned core plan for your Amazon product launch to go well. You’ll need to use several different strategies, such as Amazon A+ material. Also, you should know about Amazon Sponsored Ads and everything that goes with them.

A good product launch will require you to do several things. To ensure a successful product launch, you must first ascertain the tools you will need.

Read More: E-Commerce in 2024: Maximizing Sales with an Amazon Storefront

Listing Optimization 

Product Page Content

In general, only 2.42 percent of site visits end in buying something. It’s bad news for people who sell things online. Most of the time, this is because the pages weren’t planned well. If you have a page for a product that isn’t restored, you If you optimize your pages, you might turn people who just visit them into people who buy from you.

You will learn more about Amazon A+ Content, which is another tool that can help you with this. will lose potential customers.

High-Quality Product Images

Product pictures are a big part of making your Amazon ad rank higher. For this reason, it’s very important to give customers a set of high-quality pictures that show off your product and explain what it can do for them. For Amazon images, the following basic requirements must be met:

  • You can choose from JPEG, TIFF, GIF, or PNG.
  • The height or width must be at least 1000 pixels.

Primary Image

The main picture of your product shows up in search results and is the first picture people see when they click on your product description. Because of this, Amazon has its own rules for main images.

Other View Images

The other view pictures you have will only show up on your product listing images. These usually give you more details about your goods. A lot of the time, these pictures have less strict rules than primary images.

To keep Amazon from sending you a quality alert, don’t do these things with your main images:

  • Promotional text and lifestyle images
  • Colorful backgrounds
  • Color images of the product
  • Text, watermarks, or borders on images
  • Product plans, sketches, or drawings
  • Not included with the listed product

Do not post an image placeholder if you are going to take pictures of your product for its Amazon listing images. Amazon may send a quality warning if there is a placeholder image, like one that says “No Image Available.” If you want to improve your other view pictures, do these things:

  • Environments or backdrops
  • Make sure 1000 dpi
  • Show product scale with other items.
  • Make the goods and accessories take up at least 85% of the photograph.
  • Add cropped or close-up photos.

For alternative view images, Amazon accepts text and sample visuals. You can add these in photos, but make sure they benefit shoppers. Consumers may value a pool fencing installation graphic.

Product Page Structure and Style Guide

Keeping your brand consistent across all of your materials will help people remember it. You should always keep your brand’s picture consistent for this reason. 

An excellent way to do this is to make sure that all of your product information pages are the same. So, people all over the world will be able to easily recognize your name and products.  As you write, you have to stick to clear sets of “style rules.” From country to country, the rules are often different. 

Words like “high-quality” and “best on the market” are not allowed on Amazon ads because they break their rules. While creating content, you need to keep in mind the different wants of your market.

A+ Content

For Amazon A+ content to work, it needs pictures, text, and other visual cues. You may pick from many layouts. Your sales will go up and your brand’s reputation will improve if you have A+ material on Amazon.

Amazon says that overall sales of a product may go up by up to 10% if it has A+ material. It looks good on the web and can be used to improve your Amazon listings. The point is to get people’s attention.

Keyword Ranking

You need to spend time researching keywords whether you’re going after new or existing products. If you don’t target the right keywords, people who are interested in your goods won’t be able to find them on Amazon.

Amazon has two kinds of terms, which is different from other search engines like Google:

Primary Keywords

 People can see your primary keywords on Amazon. These are the keywords that are most likely to connect you with your target audience. You can find them in product names, descriptions, and features.

Hidden Keywords

 Amazon also lets you use internal or hidden keywords that users can’t see. These keywords are called Search Terms by Amazon. You can connect with buyers through a hidden keyword by looking at how they search. Say, “lotr” for “Lord of the Rings” is an example of a secret keyword that you could use.

It’s important to note that researching keywords on Amazon is a little different from studying keywords on Google and Bing. Why? People who use Amazon only have one search purpose, but people who use Google have many.

People use Amazon to look for things to buy. They’ve learned about the item, like a pool safety fence, and have chosen that they want it. Now all they have to do is find a reliable buyer who has the item they want. However, how can you find Amazon item themes? Using these tools:


You can find terms for Amazon with Google Keyword Tool, which also has a browser extension. Enter an important word, like “pool safety fence,” to use it. A list of similar keywords will then be sent to you, along with their cost-per-click (CPC), search volume, and competition.

Amazon Suggestions

Amazon’s search ideas are another way to find keywords. As you type, Amazon will suggest a search that answers your question. 

Searching “pool safety fence,” Amazon offers “pool safety fence for deck.” These recommended keywords’ search volume and CPC can be seen with keywordtool.io.

Competitor Analysis

When you’re researching keywords, you should also look at what your rivals are doing. Check out what keywords they’re using in the titles, descriptions, and highlights of their products. Do not copy what your company is doing. You only need to know how they go about optimizing their Amazon listing images.

Advertising Data

You should look at your advertising statistics if you’ve advertised on Amazon, like with Product Sponsorship. You can see which keywords led people to click on your product ad and make them buy things in your Advertising Marketing Services (AMS) account.

Encourage Verified Amazon Reviews

Amazon integrates product reviews and ratings into its search algorithm to deliver high-quality results. A five-star rating and 200 reviews tell Amazon your product is great.

Users get a strong signal. Online reviews can increase sales by 18% and change 80% of buyers’ minds about a purchase.

To protect online reviews, Amazon prohibits businesses from soliciting them. You need a strategy to get customers to evaluate your product and tell other shoppers about it. The following methods can boost verified Amazon product reviews:


Customers receive automatic emails on their order confirmation, shipment, and arrival from Amazon. Set up a post-arrival email template in Buyer-Seller Messaging. Invite customers to review your goods and contact you if they have issues with this email.


You can also tell people to leave a review of the materials you send with orders. You could add a call-to-action (CTA) to the printed directions for your pool fencing which say to review your product on Amazon.

Early Review Program

You can use Amazon’s Early Reviewer Programme if your item costs $15 or more and has fewer than five reviews. As long as you get five reviews in a year through this program, Amazon will ask for reviews on your behalf.

Vine Reviewer Program

The Amazon Vine Reviewer Programme is another choice for wholesalers. Amazon will send samples of your goods to its best reviewers if you want to take part. People in this group will buy your goods and then write an honest review about it.

Amazon PPC Product Launch Strategy

More people seeing your ads for products will mean more sales, whether they come from ads or not. Running ads outside of Amazon is the best way to get as many people to see them as possible.

If a seller brings traffic from outside their listing, they will reach a lot more people than if they only bring traffic from inside their listing. Also, traffic from outside of Amazon that is sent to the listing helps its organic ranking because Amazon’s algorithm sees it as organic traffic.

Plus there’s one more important advantage. Customers who use organic search see a whole page of competitors in the search results. People who use external traffic sources, on the other hand, go straight to the chosen listing. These are the best ways to get traffic:

Brand Awareness And Sponsored Brands Ads

New sellers and brands aren’t the only ones putting out new items on Amazon. Brands that have been around for a long time and have built up their reputation use Amazon to get more customers and sell a product through their well-known name and logo.

As the most popular place to buy and sell things online, Amazon has built a good image around the world, and people trust the brands that sell on the marketplace.

Registered brands can make Sponsored Brands ads, and people who know how to run SBAs should use them as part of their product sales plan. Products with well-known brand names will do much better than products with no names.

Customers won’t think twice about getting new products from this brand if they liked the old ones, even if there aren’t many reviews yet.

Read More: Boost Your Amazon Ranking with 5 Insane Seller Hacks

Running all kinds of pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Amazon is a popular “must-do” for new products. To fully grab the attention of customers, this strategy tries to fill up all the available ad space on the search results page.

For any ad strategy, though, the most important thing is that it works. You will lose a lot of money on ads if you don’t set them up correctly and keep improving your campaigns.

Choosing the wrong keywords for an Amazon PPC campaign can cause clicks and traffic that aren’t appropriate, which is one of the main reasons why these ads don’t convert. They click on your ad a lot, but they don’t convert.

Turn your Amazon product launch into a marketplace sensation. Leverage unique features, strategic pricing, optimized distribution, and targeted promotional tactics.

Kickstart your success with KenjiROI.