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How to Write a Great Amazon Listing With AI?

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A “good” Amazon offering is important for everyone, from new sellers to million-dollar brands. While it’s true that your listings should be keyword optimized, you may lose sales to your rivals if the copy is dull, uninspiring, or missing information. 

Because they might not be good writers, don’t know how to do proper keyword research, or just don’t have the time, not all Amazon sellers are happy writing their own listing images.

To help you write a good Amazon listing, we’ll give you tips in this article. This will save you time and make your life as a seller easier.

Why Your Listing Copy Is Important

Your selling copy tells the customer what your product is, what it does, why they need it, how it will help them, and why it’s better than the competition. If you can do that well, your ad will have a better chance of turning people into customers. 

Using relevant keywords in your listing will help people find your products, but if you don’t have strong listing writing or a good reason for people to buy your product, you might not get the sales you want. 

People who are interested in your product are scrolling down to learn more about it, your brand, and why they should buy it instead of another one. Yes, images and logos are also very important, but if you don’t give the customer important information about the product, they probably won’t buy it.

 If your listing images copy doesn’t give them all the information they need or doesn’t answer all of their questions, they will leave and look at one of the others.  Let us now talk about what makes a good Amazon product page.

Read More: How to Name Your Product Images and Amazon Attribution for Effective SEO

How To Effectively Write An Amazon Listing?

You do not want a possible buyer to leave your ad and buy from one of your competitors. Think of yourself as the customer as you write your ad. 

Were you interested in learning something? What kind of information do you want? What good thing does this item do for me? You should ask yourself these kinds of things. 

Besides that, you need strong language to help the customer picture why they need your goods. There are six important things you need to know to write a good Amazon ad.

Include Detailed Information

Even though it may seem like a no-brainer, make sure to include full details about your product, like its size, materials, colors, measures, or how it’s to be used. 

For some goods, details like the size of the item can make or break a sale. It’s amazing how many listings miss this easy but important detail.

Help The Customer Picture Themselves Using The Product

There should be a lot of information, but don’t just list the product’s specs or highlights. Show why that information is useful or important. 

For instance, if you’re offering a bathroom vanity, the size of the item is very important to the buyer. Instead of just listing the sizes, tell them how or where the goods will work for them. 

Instead of writing:

It’s 24″ wide, 18″ deep, and 33″ high.

Write something like: 

It’s the perfect size for your small bathroom or guest shower room because it’s 24″ wide, 18″ deep, and 33″ high. Doesn’t take up much room and has plenty of storage for toiletries. 

The customer will get the sizes they need from the first example, but the second example gives them another reason why this product will work for them. Without being too salesy, make sure your statement is interesting, useful, and to the point. 

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Respond To What Customers Want

When writing your ad, think about what questions people might have about your product. Explore the “Customer questions and answers” part of your competitors’ listings to find out what real customers are asking.

Not every customer who is thinking about buying will ask a question about the ad first. They’ll look somewhere else if they can’t find what they need. You should make sure you answer the most important questions about your goods in the listing images. 

Get To Know Your Client  

Knowing your audience is important when writing a product description. If you are selling a niche item, like a bath toy for kids ages 2 to 6, your offering copy should be written with parents of small children in mind. You could add cute or funny words to the toy to make it more appealing to that kind of customer. 

Maybe the best way to describe your tools to workers would be in a way that gets right to the point without being too pushy or silly. 

If you’re selling something that a lot of people might be interested in, like a cheap silverware set, you shouldn’t try to target a very specific group of people. 

Say something like, “This 20-piece silverware set is great for college students, small apartments, first-time home buyers, hotels, outdoor kitchens, and a lot more.”

Make It Easy To Read Your Ad

Even though keywords and catchy copy are important, you don’t want your page to be too text-heavy. Nobody wants to read long paragraphs, so make sure your bullet points and details are short and to the point. 

Amazon’s listing rules say that your bullet points should be less than 1,000 characters, or about 200 characters each. This is because it makes your text easier to read. It is possible to be clear and convincing while still using important keywords.

Basic Generative AI Tools

  • ChatGPT is a well-known language model that Chabot used to make marketing and customer service content 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Google Bard—This is an experimental AI chatbot that is great for a lot of different study purposes, like making private resorts, sending educational messages, doing important coding tasks, and a lot more.
  • Bing Chat—This is a conversational AI model whose main goals are to find all relevant information, do all boring jobs automatically, and create relevant content.
  • MidJourney: This is an AI-powered text-to-image model that makes it easy to make visually stunning content. MidJourney is very helpful for making products and coming up with artsy messages.
  • GitHub As you can see, the code helper is doing its best to make the code more efficient. It is possible to cut down on mistakes, and the generative AI tool can be a very useful computer language.
  • Dall-E 2: The AI model makes pictures that look real, which are great for logos, prototypes, and other visual elements.

Amazon Bedrock

This is a fully controlled service that gives you access to many powerful foundation models (FMs) from well-known AI companies like Amazon, eta, AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Stability AI, Cohere, and the list goes on. For making AI AWS apps, all of these models come highly suggested. 

Amazon Bedrock has a sturdy set of features and functions that take away the needless stress of managing infrastructure. Amazon Bedrock also has the following benefits:

  • Foundation models from the best companies
  • Made it easier to change database models
  • Making sure credentials for data protection and compliance
  • Improving FM skills

Amazon SageMaker

Additionally, this amazing Amazon generative AI tool is built on a full machine learning service that makes it easier for professionals, especially data scientists and developers, to set up, learn, and use different machine learning models in a managed environment that is ready for production.

For efficient large-scale distributed data handling, Sagemaker provides machine-learning algorithms. As a secure and scalable setting, Amazon Sagemaker supports custom algorithms and frameworks natively.

For example, Amazon Sagemaker guarantees a shorter time to market, smooth integration of frameworks and algorithms, automatic model optimization, built-in model tracking, and more. 

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Amazon QuickSight

Another great tool is Amazon QuickSight, which provides unified, robust, and highly scalable business data platforms. To get the best results, Amazon Quicksight uses natural language searches, interactive dashboards, paginated reports, and built-in analytics. 

As well as boosting artificial intelligence, speeding up development, keeping costs low, and more, the cloud-based business intelligence service has many other benefits.

Automated Content Production

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be a very strong tool that businesses find very useful for quickly creating content. Publishing papers, marketing materials, and sometimes even code online saves a lot of time and money. 

For your information, more than half of business owners have already started using this new technology for content marketing. businesses can focus on what they do best.

It’s Cheaper And Takes Less Time

Reduced business costs and time savings are two more interesting benefits of generative AI. 

This results in more speed and productivity, which quickly gives the company an edge over its competitors. About 1.75 hours, or a full workday each week, can be saved by using generative AI, and the annual cost can be cut by 10% without any problems.


As a second benefit of using creative AI, you will get hyper-personalization. Of course, this depends on the person’s tastes, but these kinds of tools do allow for accurate analysis of customer data and personalized product suggestions. 

In today’s constantly changing world, individual voices are better than old, similar-sounding robotic voices at making sure that speaking sounds human and natural.

Productivity Is Quite High

As generative AI gets better, businesses can automate more complicated and time-consuming tasks. This makes processes more efficient and productive quickly and easily. Humans can now focus on more difficult jobs because the boring tasks have been handled.

Improved Decision-Making Process

The next step is better ways to make decisions. Generative AI makes it easier to make choices by coming up with many possible outcomes and answers. 

So it is possible to make business plans, solve problems, and evaluate risks. You might also be interested to know that creative AI helps people make better, more well-rounded decisions. 

Read More» How to Create an Amazon Product Listing: a Step-by-Step Guide

The Issue with Optimizing an Amazon Listing

It is not easy to make an Amazon ad more useful. People who sell things on Amazon often have trouble writing their listings, even when they have all the keywords and data they need to make an Optimized amazon listing. 

Customers aren’t likely to buy from some because they don’t make the best use of keywords in their ads or can’t balance the flow with SEO needs.

Not all Amazon buyers speak English as their first language, which is another problem. That’s because they might not have enough ideas, or their language or sentence structure might not be correct.

These problems get even worse for Amazon e-commerce brands that sell more than one SKU or for companies that help their clients launch more than one product. If nothing else, optimizing those ads can take a lot of time for them.

ChatGPT-Listing Optimization Solutions — A Test Run!

As a quick test, let’s see how well ChatGPT works as an integrated product for making Amazon ads that are more relevant.

  • As an example, let’s choose golf cooler bags as our primary market. These online stores, among others, sell this item the most: Frostbox, AROUY, Falcona, Intech, and Pins & Aces. 
  • Let’s look for the terms that Frostbox, AROUY, Falcona, Intech, and Pins & Aces are ranking for next. You can do that with any outside study tool. Once you’re done, add the list of keywords to the listing optimizer tool that ChatGPT drives. You can sort and filter the keywords you want to use in your post.
  • Tada! Just 30 seconds later, we have our listing title, bullet points, and product description ready to go.
  • Furthermore, the title, bullet points, and product description all stay within the character limit and don’t break Amazon’s rules for listing creation. One more interesting thing to remember is this.
  • One last thing is that the listing images have an optimization score of 22,842, which puts it in the top 20% of listings in its area. If you want to change something specific about the product, you’d still have to edit the description, but overall, ChatGPT did a great job.

Transform your Amazon listings with AI-driven insights! Our blog provides actionable tips on using artificial intelligence to optimize your listings for better results.

Discover AI Tips for Amazon Listings with KenjiRoi.