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Let’s Answer Top 20 Questions About Amazon PPC

Top 20 Questions About Amazon PPC

Last updated on November 22nd, 2022 at 10:11 am

It’s time to get real: A solid Amazon PPC management strategy is essential if you want to increase sales on Amazon in 2022 and beyond. The internal advertising system of Amazon includes pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. 

Brands, agencies, and independent sellers can use Amazon PPC to target particular keywords to build product promotions. At the moment of sale, vendors can offer relevant products to Amazon customers who are ready to buy them. 

They can also track the effectiveness of their ads to see which ones are most effective at generating sales. More and more companies are turning to amazon PPC ads to launch and market their items successfully. These ads are now practically required.

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How can I measure the efficiency of a PPC campaign?

Particularly with a paid search campaign, evaluating success is a little simpler. It takes a little while to determine whether your investment will result in a favorable return for your company using search engine optimization and content marketing. 

So the campaign manager can check weekly or monthly to see whether there was a positive return on investment. If your return on ad spending increases over time, the campaign is doing well. 

You should see a slow, incremental improvement in the performance and everything else adjusted within the paid search platform.

Read More: Pull Customers Into Your Listing with Amazon DSP Ads

What approach should I take when bidding?

Your ad campaign’s goal will determine this. Consider a scenario where you want to increase brand awareness while expecting your advertisements to increase sales.

Considering this, you can be less concerned with whether your ads are profitable and instead choose to outbid your rivals so that your ads would appear in front. But you’ll want to pay attention to your margins if you’re working on a protracted advertising campaign to increase sales. 

Determine your optimal ACoS in this situation (and make sure you’re profitable with it!) and the maximum daily bid you can place.

Pro-tip: Even if you think you can get away with spending $50 every day, we advise starting slowly and experimenting with low bids ($2, $4, then $6). You run the danger of overpaying for those conversions if you immediately enter your total daily budget! Doing so can calculate the minimum amount you must invest to achieve your objectives.

Read More: ACoS for Amazon PPC Explained (Easy Ways to Lower It)

What are some Amazon PPC Management Software and Tools?

You will likely have a lot of competition with this many sellers if your product is distinctly unique. As a result, Amazon sellers must find a strategy to differentiate themselves from other site users. Advertising for the most relevant search terms is a requirement for any serious seller. 

The Amazon PPC management software and solutions accessible to sellers have skyrocketed, giving them an advantage over rivals by placing creative bids.

Pac Vue

For eCommerce advertising and intelligence, there is a software suite called Pacvue. It blends end-to-end retail data with suggested actions and automation tools to support brands and sellers of all sizes in expanding their online presence on Amazon and other marketplaces.

PPC Entourage

 By increasing ad income, reducing ACoS, and raising profit margins, Entourage’s software helps businesses create successful brands on Amazon. You can use this without needing intricate spreadsheets to optimize and extend your Amazon ads quickly.

Which PPC ad format is most effective?

Sponsored Products and Product Display Ads are options to consider. Let’s simplify it…

The next step is the introduction of Sponsored Products Ads, which highlight certain products related to a user’s search criteria within search results. You can direct clicks from these ads to a search results page, product page, or storefront. 

Last but not least, Product Display Ads appear on product sites related to or specifically targeted rather than the search results page.

For a good reason, Sponsored Product Ads are the default setting for most Amazon sellers. If you nail your keyword targeting, you may have a lot of success with these ads. These advertisements typically bring advertisers the most significant volume (clicks and conversions).

To that end, you could find Headline Search Ads more suitable if you’re attempting to sell a new range of products, and you’ll also want to experiment with Product Display Ads.

Should I utilize the Bid+ function on Amazon?

If you aren’t keeping an eye on your campaign, you could overspend by a significant amount in a short time because the Bid+ feature boosts your bid by 50%.

This tool assists Amazon sellers in fine-tuning the bids for each unique keyword to achieve their desired ACoS. In contrast to Bid+, Autopilot only increases your bid price until you reach your target ACoS; this makes more sense than simply growing your bid price to match your rivals’. However, Autopilot technology might work on outsourcing your bid modifications.

How do I calculate my Amazon PPC advertising budget?

Estimate how much you will earn from your advertisements, then work backward. For example, you can spend up to $250 on Amazon PPC ads if you anticipate $1000 in product sales due to the ads. Most Amazon sellers aim for a 25% Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS).

Why is 25% the ideal percentage? You are throwing money away if your ACoS is lower than this. Although it’s fantastic that you’re making more money from your advertising without spending too much on them.

On the other side, if your ACoS is more than 25%, this can indicate that you depend too much on paid advertising to generate sales.

 Don’t worry; everything will be OK if your campaigns remain profitable. Consider finding techniques to increase organic sales.

Read More: Amazon Retargeting Ads Tutorial & Strategy – Remarketing on Amazon

What does each column on your PPC ad report mean?

Consider the case where you included the keyword “taco stand” in your broad match campaign. However, the customer searches for “taco stand set of 4” on Amazon.com. 

So because keywords are widely connected, even though they are not exact, your advertisement might still appear in search results.

What if your PPC ads are producing a limited amount of information?

It’s been fourteen days. Your data are accurate, you’re sure. You don’t have any sales, clicks, or impressions, though. 

Make sure the keywords you use are appropriate. If your listing is unrelated to that term, sometimes an ad will only appear if you place high bids on a big budget.

How can you ensure that your PPC advertisements are functioning correctly?

Ensure your adverts run for at least 70% of the day before anything else. Track the date that each campaign’s funding expires. As evidence, consider the following:

  • Ads are disappearing
  • a Campaign Manager “Out of Budget” notice
  • You may need to increase your budget.
  • Check the placement of your advertisement next.

Find out where your ad appears on search results by entering your keywords into Amazon’s search box.

Who gets what position when there are multiple sponsored listings on a page?

You set a bid price for that keyword, which determines how much you pay Amazon for each click. Since they all desire increased visibility and sales, several sellers will compete for the same term.

Similar to an auction, PPC operates on a bidding system. The vendor with the highest bid (amount offered for a possible click) on a keyword will appear in position one on the first page of search results. Position 2 will go to the second-highest-bidding vendor, and so on.

When Should You Take Part in Lightning Deals?

The last case relates to a desire to deplete the inventory. A great approach to try again on Amazon with a newer, better product is to sell a previous product, even at a break-even price. The purchase of a new product occasionally necessitates a monetary infusion.

Read More: Amazon SEO: Rank & Stick Onto Page 1 in 2021

How important is Quality Score?

A correlation between Quality Score and CPA in your account is the best approach to determine this. Make a graph with a trend line. It will be clear whether keywords with higher quality scores usually have a higher CPA. 

What is PPC on Amazon?

Amazon’s third-party vendors’ advertising tool is called Amazon PPC. It allows retailers to design ad campaigns for their goods and charges them each time a potential buyer clicks and watches their advertisement.

Understanding Amazon’s core PPC KPIs is crucial before we delve into PPC’s specifics. It is how Amazon describes each one:

  1. Attributed Sales

The Campaign Performance report shows the specific sales totals for the promoted goods and other products. Sales can be directly linked to clicks on your ads within a week. 

As a result, sales data may not be available in the “Today” date range and may not be available until the “Yesterday” date range for your sales data.

  1. Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS)

The percentage of attributable sales spent on advertising is known as the advertising cost of sales (ACoS). It is computed by dividing total advertising expenditures by attributed sales. 

For instance, if you spent $4 on advertising and $20 in attributed sales, your ACoS would be 20% ($4/$20 = 0.20).

  1. Impressions

The number of times your advertisements are shown. It could take up to three days to eliminate invalid clicks from your reports once they have been found.  

The cost of Amazon PPC ads can vary depending on how much advertisers bid for keywords. Depending on demand, there will be a range of prices for each product and keyword combination. You only get paid if a customer clicks on the advertisement. 

Due to the high levels of purchasing intent, Amazon is regarded as a particularly cost-effective PPC platform compared to Google AdWords. The individual viewing the advertisement may only be browsing for product recommendations on Google while they may be reading group comments. 

You must establish a daily budget while managing an Amazon PPC campaign. The amount you spend depends on the product, the level of competition, and the cost of the keywords you’re bidding on.

Do PPC ads on Amazon pay off?

The answer is yes. You can advertise your goods to customers who have already visited Amazon to make a purchase, and it will be less expensive and more effective than Google or Facebook Ads. 

Considering amazon product photography is a major bonus because it increases the chance that Amazon PPC will boost sales and move your product up the rankings.

Amazon PPC advertisements may be incredibly successful with the right plan and management, especially when launching a new product.

What is the most effective strategy to start using Amazon PPC ads?

When starting with Amazon PPC, you have two options: to do it yourself or hire a tool or agency to do it for you. You won’t need to use any additional tools for keywords or advertising because an automated campaign will provide you with everything you need to get started. 

Paying a low bid price to Amazon for their suggested keywords will allow you to examine which keywords genuinely increase FBA sales in the future.

You can use the data and keywords produced after the automatic campaign has been running for a while to launch a campaign. To do that, give importance to the following:

  • Choosing keywords
  • Recognizing several kinds of keyword matches.
  • Deciding on a budget and bids for advertising.
  • Making campaigns and ad groupings that make sense.
  • Optimizing your marketing campaign.

Fortunately, PPC is a relatively easy platform for new users compared to Google or Facebook. It’s a simple method for getting started with PPC, allowing experimentation and on-the-spot learning at a reasonably low entry cost.

Why won’t my Amazon PPC ads be displayed?

There are a few typical problems that you can address to try and solve the issue if your PPC advertisements need to generate impressions.

  • Check to see your listing optimization
  • Longer and more precise search terms are added to your keywords.
  • Change the match types for your keywords.
  • It will help if you raise your bids for some keywords.

A modest bid might not offer your campaign the visibility it needs to get conversions on Amazon because of the marketplace’s intense competition.

It’s been at least seven days since the campaign went live. Here are some typical explanations for low impressions that are worthwhile investigating:

Your item is in the appropriate subcategory. The keyword content is suitable for the listing. There are 300 or more keywords in manual campaigns (and only use phrase match in the beginning).

Your ad campaign may be blocked by Amazon if there are no impressions. If an automated campaign isn’t getting any images, Amazon might still need to trust your product. One method we see sellers use is increasing their daily spending by $1 daily or two.

How to optimize Amazon PPC ads to get a better return?

You can continue to modify your Amazon PPC in three key ways to increase returns. 

  1. Evaluate keyword effectiveness

Adapt bids depending on performance to reduce unnecessary ad spending. For each keyword, you should keep an eye on the ACoS. 

Keep an eye on your most expensive keywords to ensure they are converting. In that case, you must optimize. On your top-converting keywords, you should raise your bids. Run each of the three match types on your converting keywords to compare how well they work.

Use negative keywords to stop your advertisements from appearing for irrelevant search phrases you do not wish to pay. Check which match type has the most incredible stats for each keyword. Optimizing keywords with poor match types will stop them from using all your cash.

  1. Review your keyword list

Keep changing your keywords, even if that means introducing new ones. In the end, you should monitor your statistics, promote the keywords that are working, and drop or replace the ones that are not. To keep your ACoS inside the desired range, adjust your offers accordingly.

Additionally, keep an eye out for any adjustments Amazon makes to the ad placements and consider doing so.

What distinguishes sponsored brands from sponsored products?

The two primary categories of Amazon PPC advertisements are Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products. Individual product listings are promoted by sponsored products, while sponsored brands promote entire product categories.

When using Sponsored Products advertisements, the seller selects the product and either set the keywords themselves or allows Amazon to handle it. 

The seller can manage campaign performance information, including ad spending and keyword bids. A specific listing is reached by clicking on the advertisement.

How to create a Sponsored Products campaign?

Hiring an Amazon PPC Agency? Ask These Questions

Select “Campaign manager” from Seller Central. Choose the “Sponsored Products” campaign type. Enter a campaign name only you will see by thinking about it and typing it in. If you are already aware of the campaign’s duration, decide when it will terminate.

Decide on the daily spending limit that you will provide Amazon. Choose the targeting you want to use: automatic means Amazon will target products and keywords for your product. 

  • Select a bid strategy.
  • Ad group creation.
  • Select the item you want to promote.
  • If you create a manual campaign, provide a list of studied keywords, a bid for each phrase, and a list of no-go terms. 
  • Launch the advertisement.

Amazon users profit considerably from brand advertising. The primary benefit of these advertisements is that they raise platform users’ awareness of brands. 

The potential to incorporate the product’s video into the advertisement is another justification for starting a Sponsored Brands campaign. Videos of everyday life can show things from all angles and highlight all the characteristics potential customers could be interested in.

How does Amazon choose what and where to display advertisements?

An auction-based system determines where a PPC ad will appear in the search results. Generally, the seller with the highest bid appears first in the search results, followed by the seller with the second-highest offer, and so on. Though there are other significant elements that Amazon considers, the highest bid only sometimes obtains the top spot.

Based on the search terms visitors enter into the site’s search bar, Amazon employs an internal algorithm to decide which adverts to display to them. The ads are then evaluated using a mix of:

  • The seller’s bid price
  • The product’s relevance 
  • The ad campaign quality score

When a product listing has the appropriate browser node (subcategory) allocated and contains pertinent keywords, it is deemed relevant. Amazon’s internal statistic is the campaign quality score. Since the score is just for Amazon’s purposes, it is not made public elsewhere.

Can PPC advertising increase my organic sales?

Organic purchases are transactions that take place “naturally” through typical search results without the need for an initial ad click. Unexpectedly, a successful PPC marketing strategy can also support organic sales growth. It achieves this primarily in two ways.

First, PPC gives Amazon information demonstrating that your product is relevant to particular keywords. This relevance affects the placement of Sponsored Products adverts and the organic search ranking (see the question above). 

More visibility, clicks, and sales result from higher search rankings, which feed back into the system to produce even higher rankings.

PPC is thus an excellent strategy to boost sales generally and thereby enhance organic sales traffic.

Do we need to improve my listing before running PPC ads?

Yes, optimizing your listing is the greatest before beginning Amazon PPC advertisements. Complete optimization of your listing will increase sales

Making your listing stand out is essential because every click from your PPC advertising will cost you money.

You can take the following actions to improve your listing:

  • High-quality images that display the product’s attributes and advantages.
  • Identifying keywords that correspond to those in your ad campaign.
  • Ensure your bullet points are descriptive and accessible and demonstrate the product’s value.
  • Having a competitive price for your product

Why are Amazon PPC ads getting clicks but no sales?

You should consider the following four factors if your ads are bringing traffic to the listing but it isn’t converting:

  • Pricing
  • Listing Optimization
  • Quality Reviews 
  • Time

Take a look at how well your listing is. Ensure it’s optimized to generate sales with the help of fantastic product photography services, a meaningful title, and appropriate keywords.


In conclusion, every PPC ad kind on Amazon is crucial. The introduction of all three categories is the foundation of many marketing plans with various objectives. Before launching their ads, however, advertisers must conduct a niche analysis and establish the appropriate spending limit.