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How Can I Predict My Amazon Product’s Future Sales?

Last updated on June 8th, 2024 at 07:53 am

It’s easy to describe what a great offering is. There’s no way to get around the fact that if a product is performing well, then it must be worthwhile. That doesn’t tell the whole story, which is the problem. 

Sales are the most important thing to look at when determining a product’s success, but we’ve all seen plenty of products that didn’t do as well as they were supposed to. What makes a product successful on Amazon is even more specific. Amazon does make money when you sell good items.

 If yours aren’t, don’t start to doubt the quality of your products. Instead, evaluate the quality of your listing. Amazon is an incredibly competitive place and the way products are promoted changes all the time. 

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to be successful. Everything depends on your Amazon listing images and how you set up the products to get consumers to buy.

Precision Titling

After spending time researching your competitors and gathering useful information, you’re now ready to improve your content to get more sales. If you’re already using Sponsored Campaigns with your listing images, this is even more important. Clicks are chances, and we know you want to take advantage of all of them.

You should start with your title. The big “BUY ME” button at the top of the search results panel. Product names should be relevant. 

Don’t use a bunch of annoying buzzwords to confuse them just so you can get as many high-ranking keywords as possible. Limit it. Provide clear and specific information. Does your title satisfy a need, clear up any misunderstanding, and show high quality?

 Learn what your customers like and don’t like by doing research. Provide quick information about what the product is and how it can help your customers.

Think about what kinds of people might be interested in your goods. Traveling workers, endurance athletes, or hobby musicians? Starting with these is a good idea. Next, think about the answers it gives. Surfaces that are easy to clean and gym equipment that can withstand the weather settle many product disputes.

With these narrowed-down titles, you can index for relevant search terms without wasting hits or seeing your conversion rates drop. The only way to optimize your content is with strategy-based precision, and that goes over to the next factor that will determine the success of your product. 

Read More» How To Grow Your Amazon FBA Brand With The Selling Partner Appstore

Catalog Strategy

keep in mind that your collection should make sense. Starting out on Amazon might only require one good product, but you’ll need to be ready if you ever want to add more.

When you make the initial purchase, you can set up your entire catalog to work as a single unit. Customers might be happy to find the first product they were looking for in your offering. Someone has put your name in the Buy Box and wants to know what else you have to offer. 

Are you ready for these chances to sell more goods or services to existing customers? Do some planning ahead. What can you add to your Amazon business that will make it better? Are you ready to offer virtual packs to people shopping in-store and raise the average number of items bought? 

Part of our plan is to find key product combos that offer a great deal to people who are interested. Again, your study can help you get ready for this. Knowing what people want to add to their daily lives will help you see how your whole catalog can help them.

Putting together curated content features like Brand Stores can also be a great way to sell a group of goods that go well together. 

Also, Sponsored Brands will bring attention to your store, which will encourage people to buy more than one item. With strategic focus and all of these tools, you’ll be able to sell more products per buy and keep driving growth.

Price Wars

Obviously, price is something you should think about wherever you sell something. People should know more about Amazon, though. To build trust as an Amazon seller, you should first make sure that all of your prices are correct across all of your products. 

It will help to focus on individual ad pricing plans, but you will be featured a lot more often if you have a good plan from the start.

Since Amazon wants to give customers the best deals, charging unfair prices will hurt your product’s long-term performance. Look at your competitors, analyze your costs, and figure out what a good return on investment (ROI) looks like. That’s what the first steps should be. 

Reviewing prices on third-party sites is another important step that most new sellers forget to do. Amazon doesn’t just look at prices on its own site; it will also look at prices on other channels to get a full picture of how fair your prices are. 

That means adding an extra 30% to your Amazon listing images not be a good idea, but keeping the price as it is on Google Market might be. This is also true for your competitors. If they charge less than you at Walmart, it could slow down your efforts to optimize.

There are times when more expensive products are better than cheaper ones, but you shouldn’t skip the time it takes to do a proper study. You will get hit with a bad fastball that will make you play catch-up in the long run if you do that.

Account Strategy

It’s important to prepare each listing separately because they will make up your Amazon business presence. This part is clear, but some sellers often make a mistake here. A seller may care so much about the health of one offering that they forget about the health of their whole account.

 This is a problem because Amazon is always checking on the health of your account, and if it’s not in good shape, you’ll miss out on a lot of chances to make money.

You should get your Amazon account set up for a healthy life cycle before you start selling things. Even though it might not be obvious, there are many things that can change the way your store optimizes if you’re not paying attention. 

Amazon will punish you for surprises you didn’t know about, and then you’ll be stuck trying to figure out what went wrong when you could be coming up with business solutions that make money.

You need to have good account management to make sure that your Amazon listing images are ready to do well, and we’ll show you what to look for in our ongoing list of success-defining product factors.

Sustainable and Responsible Sourcing

People don’t just care about price and quality in today’s market. A brand’s ethical and environmentally friendly ways are becoming more and more important to them when deciding what to buy. 

Ethical buying and sustainability can not only be the right thing to do, but they can also be a strong sign of future product success. This trend gives Amazon sellers a huge chance to make money. To do it:

Meeting Growing Consumer Demand

More and more people, especially millennials and Gen Z, are actively looking for brands that share their beliefs. Being socially and environmentally responsible by choosing ethical and sustainable practices will earn you loyal customers.

Buyers want to know about the origin and production of the goods they buy. Making your supply chain, labor practices, and impact on the environment clear builds trust and improves the reputation of your business. Suppose you sell leather wallets that are all made by hand.  

Eco-friendly consumers will be interested in knowing that the leather comes from farms that are handled in an ethical way and are tanned using eco-friendly methods. Your brand will be seen as responsible by people who care about social production if you are open about how you get your materials.

Leverage Product Research Tools

You can look at the best-selling items in your niche with a lot of different tools.  You can get an idea of how many units will sell, find out what features people like and don’t like, and see where there are gaps in the market where your product can fill them.

For instance, you want to sell phone cases.  Based on the study tool, the most popular cases are mostly made of silicone or plastic.  You might find a market for high-end leather cases with a more luxurious feel that appeals to a certain group of people.

Product research tools give rough predictions of sales, which are still useful for figuring out how much demand there might be for a product.  You can get an idea of how popular a group of products is by looking at past sales data and search trends.

For instance, let’s say you want to sell ergonomic computers.  The study tool thinks that thousands of ergonomic keyboards are sold every month. This shows that there is a healthy amount of demand, but more study needs to be done on competition and making money.

Run Targeted PPC Ads

We can see how many people see our Amazon PPC ad and click on it to learn more about your product by looking at its Click-Through Rate (CTR). There is real interest from your target group if your CTR is high.

Your new line of adjustable keyboards was released through Amazon ppc management. Five percent of people who see your ad will click through to your product description. Potential demand for your goods can be seen in this initial interest.

Product Differentiation

Post-purchase Customer Experience

As an Amazon seller, you might not realize how powerful email marketing can be at turning one-time buyers into regular customers. Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) is sending shoppers general confirmation emails instead.

 You can give customers a better experience and make your business stand out by making the buying process easier. 

Most importantly, make sure your emails after a sale aren’t too pushy. They are supposed to stay involved with the emails. Follow-up emails after a buy could include:

  • Asking customers to review your product and checking in with them to see if they’re happy with their buy. Your SEO score will go up if you have more positive reviews on your listing. This is also good social proof that will help people purchase your product in the future.
  • Give people a discount code they can use on another buy of one of your products. 
  • Customers can stay up to date on new goods they might like by signing up for your email newsletter.

Bottom Line

The vast majority of Amazon sellers keep an eye on their sales and can spot when one item’s sales go up or down. But not all spikes are easy to spot. If performance on just a few goods changes, it could be a sign of a bigger trend that an Amazon business owner is busy enough to miss.

This is why it’s so helpful to have a profit and accounting tool that makes all of your data clear and easy to find. Even if you only have a short time, you’ll be able to spot trends that could work for or against your business and profit. 

Then you can do something about them, putting more effort into the things that are working and trying to fix the things that won’t last.

Take control of your Amazon destiny!  Discover how to predict product sales and optimize your listings for maximum impact.

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