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Ryan Peck – Here’s How To Write A Sales Email To Land A Partnership With Amazon

How to Write A Sales Email To Land A Partnership With Amazon

Last updated on August 10th, 2021 at 09:41 am

Today’s guest is a little bit of a different change of pace here. We have Ryan Peck from Care Ultima. Care Ultima gives people access to medical services in case of an emergency. Where you would typically get these services through an expensive insurance policy, Care Ultima gives you access through an affordable monthly subscription.

But that’s not the reason why we’re having him on here. The reason that we have Ryan on here is his cold email strategy, specifically, the one used to create a business partnership with Amazon.

Ryan shows us how to create the sales email that eventually landed him his incredibly powerful partnership with Amazon.  His sales email included 32 steps which may seem a tad excessive but if you look at the upside Ryan walked away with, it is well worth your time and attention to learn how to write sales emails like he does.

Ryan Peck’s Story

Ryan was not a part of a digital marketing agency and didn’t know anything about digital or online marketing before he got sucked into the world of internet business. He got his start by working for his father’s company who provided insurance and investments.

Three years ago, he suffered a life-threatening illness that left him confined to his bed for a few months. Although during this time, Care Ultima had just created, it was his main focus until the illness struck. But during his bed rest, he needed to let go everything. After going through a near-death experience, Ryan felt motivated to progress and get back into the game. He started researching free ways to market a product and that’s where he encountered a cold email strategy. He never really thought about doing it but then he just gave it a shot. Using a free Gmail account, he started emailing away. “That’s how I started – I just took action and started doing it”.

Why Should Amazon Sellers use cold email?

Amazon sellers should use cold email strategies because it is often overlooked when selling to consumers. If a seller can differentiate themselves and figure out how to write effective sales emails that convert, not only can they succeed selling B2C but also sell B2B.

Care Ultima was specifically designed and created for consumers and its business model was strictly B2C (direct to consumer). But, Ryan was looking for a way to expand the business and differentiate Care Ultima, from other B2C healthcare companies. So he went to the drawing board and figured out a way to make the product compelling to an actual company. It wasn’t designed for B2B, but Ryan figured out a way to do it which totally shifted his focus. Which would, in turn, grow the company much faster.

Amazon sellers can do the exact same because a lot of them are primarily B2C. Many sellers can add another channel to their business, differentiating themselves anding B2B revenue to the bottom line. Once the seller has figured out the B2B component of the business, the fastest way to reach that audience is through cold email. As Ryan found, there is no better way to get in touch with business owners so quickly and effectively.

Tips on how to write effective sales emails That work

A lot of times people don’t respond to the first email. Ryan does a five-part sales email sequence and 85% of the responses he gets actually come from emails 2 through 5. Only 15% of the success comes on the first email.

Tip 1: Personalize it.

Address your recipient by their first name. Make it on their level and use their first name while also including their company name. If you can, add some research into your email to show that you have put time and effort into reaching out to whoever you are trying to get in touch with. Mentioning podcasts they have or have been featured in converts really well.

The best way to increase your open rate increase response rates is to personalize your email to bridge the relationship gap.

Tip 2. Keep it short and on point.

Don’t go more than four sections or four paragraphs, although it depends on who you are sending it to. Know your audience and your niche.

One is fine, 3 to 4 is the max but when you start getting the five paragraph six, seven eight five six and then says per paragraph is way too long.

3. Make sure that the call to action is very apparent.

What is it that you want the next step to be? Ryan said, don’t just say, “Hey, this is who I am. This is what I do.”

What is the pitch? Do you want them to call? Do you want to take a phone appointment? Do you want to set up a strategy meeting? Do you want to set up a zoom call? Whatever it is make it obvious.

4. Send follow-ups.

Send follow-up emails. You might not know if your recipient was able to read your email. So in these follow-ups, the meaning in each email is the same thing but it is written in five different ways. Keep your unique selling proposition. Whatever it is that makes you different.

When you are re-writing your sales email copy make sure you can provide value. Make sure that core message is the same for the five emails, but just rewrite it. So it said in a very different and unique way, but they’ll still know that it’s the same thing as that’s been said previously.

5. Keep your email deliverability good without showing up in spam filters.

So everyone has a certain reputation, an internal score that you get ranked for. That is your credibility. But everyone has a score that’s given to them depending on how your email gets opened, delivered or not. You want to keep that up because if you don’t, your account can get shut down after which is not very good for business.

Create a list of the first and last name of individuals for these companies as well as their emails. Then, go to a site called NeverBounce and upload the list. You can upload five hundred or a thousand emails to clean them for an extremely affordable price. This will ensure your deliverability rate and ensure that you can keep sending these emails.

NeverBounce has a way of checking the validity of every email to make sure it’s legit, active, and that it’s going to be delivered. You want to do that because that’s just the extra precaution to keep your center of rotation high.


Majority of Amazon sellers do not use cold email in any way in a B2C or B2B setting as a way to sell products. However, writing sales emails can be very valuable if you think about it as a way to create strategic relationships with other companies, influencers, and maybe even with Amazon Seller Support.

Ryan recently just started a Facebook group for cold email marketing, where he does training and shares videos for free. You can sign up for the Facebook Group by clicking: sign-up here and Ryan will accept you.

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Disclaimer: As with any digital marketing campaign, your individual results may vary.

Ryan Peck

Ryan Peck

Ryan was not a part of a digital marketing agency and didn’t know anything about digital or online marketing before he got sucked into the world of internet business. He got his start by working for his father’s company who provided insurance and investments.

Three years ago, he suffered a life-threatening illness that left him confined to his bed for a few months. Although during this time, Care Ultima had just created, it was his main focus until the illness struck. But during his bed rest, he needed to let go everything. After going through a near-death experience, Ryan felt motivated to progress and get back into the game. He started researching free ways to market a product and that’s where he encountered a cold email strategy. He never really thought about doing it but then he just gave it a shot. Using a free Gmail account, he started emailing away. “That’s how I started – I just took action and started doing it”.