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How To Increase Conversion Rate Without Relying on PPC

Last updated on August 28th, 2024 at 08:40 am

The conversion rate is an important term that people who want to sell things on Amazon can’t miss. Besides letting people know if a product is being bought, it also lets the product make its mark on the market. 

This is most importantly a necessary condition for high scores and, by extension, being seen in the market. Read on to find out how to improve your Amazon FBA sale rate.

Amazon Conversion Rate Calculation: How?

Finding the Amazon conversion rate is easy; all the needed numbers can be found in Seller Central. How to figure out the Amazon selling rate:

Sold units / sessions * 100 = conversion rate in %

Let’s say that 500 people have used your product in the last 30 days. There are 10 units sold after 500 visits. So, 2% is the exchange rate. The sales and rankings of the competitors should always be taken into account to better classify the value.

Note: The exchange rate can be found in Amazon’s Seller Central under “Units per session” in the “Statistics & Reports” menu path.

Tips For Increasing Amazon Product Conversions

The Price

Naturally, the price is a big reason people choose one thing over another. To stay ahead of the competition, you should always look at your listing to see if you can explain any price differences (for example, by offering something unique).

Price cuts might be a good idea, even if they hurt the profit margin at first. At least for a short time, a lower price can boost Amazon sales and keep the conversion rate stable. 

The rate of conversion can also be raised by changing prices through coupons, special deals, bulk discounts, or discounts that happen at different times. 

Amazon puts a badge on the page of search results to show products with deals. Which makes it stand out, gets people’s attention, and can get them to click, which is what you want.

Fast Shipping

FBA sellers benefit from the coveted Prime badge, which can significantly boost sales. The Prime badge offers increased visibility in search results, access to Prime members, and free two-day shipping for Prime customers. 

To optimize product listing images, sellers should incorporate a variety of visual elements. This includes using high-quality photographs that showcase the product from different angles, in various contexts, and with detailed close-ups. For example, a listing for a high-end blender might include:

  • A professional main image of the blender on a white background
  • Close-up shots of the control panel, blades, and attachments
  • An image of the blender in use in a modern kitchen setting
  • An infographic highlighting key features like motor power and preset functions
  • A size comparison image showing the blender next to common kitchen items
  • A shot of the product packaging and included accessories


There is a higher chance that someone will buy a product if they can tell that it comes from a reliable brand. To get the best conversion rate on Amazon, you should use all brand material. Setting up the brand in the Brand Registry is the first step. 

Lastly, make the most of choices like A+ content and brand stores. Using audience targeting, retargeting, and video ads in brand campaigns can help you get more people to see your goods.


The product listing images must be full. Customers will benefit from making sure all the required areas are filled out, as well as Amazon’s requests. For example, the scope of delivery, size, weight, or material qualities are common examples of these. 

You should also include USPs, applications, thorough descriptions, and arguments that the competition doesn’t have. The more deeply and fully the end consumer understands the product, the more likely it is that they will fulfill their purchase intention and buy your product.


The buyers’ trust is very important for making the purchase happen. Still, reviews are very important here. Although Amazon asks for reviews automatically after purchase, sellers should still use all (legal!) choices. For example, this means replying to buyer-seller texts quickly and carefully. 

As a result, this affects how well the seller does (along with things like keeping track of supplies so there aren’t any out-of-stock situations, making sure deliveries happen on time, and lowering the number of mistakes in orders and invoices), which in turn raises the conversion rate.

Since last year, Amazon FBA has changed the way reviews are processed so that customers can rate a product with stars without also writing a review. Customers were more likely to leave a bad review before the change, but now it seems like the change has made things more even.

The problem with fake reviews on Amazon is getting worse because buyers can’t tell if simple star ratings are real or not. Two effects of the change can be seen: customers are writing more reviews, and most of them are good.

Since the change about four months ago, the number of ratings for names like AirPods and Hanes has gone from a few to many, which has caused their star rating to rise from 1 to 3 stars. This is important because, as we’ve already talked about, scores affect the number of sales.

Read More: Boost Your Amazon Ranking with 5 Insane Seller Hacks


Before they buy something, users want to know everything they need to know. One helpful page for this is the page with product details. The question area should be used as a Frequently Asked Questions list, and all questions should be answered. In film form, this is now even possible.


Making sure you use the right search terms in your posts and ads is important for increasing the conversion rate. Always try to figure out what the end customer wants to buy.

In what way does this matter? The other thing that should be thought about when trying to improve Amazon’s conversion rate is the sessions, even though more sales are usually the main goal. It is easier to get people to buy something when the traffic that comes to it is targeted and useful.

For example, the search word “Fast Composter” keeps bringing people to your Amazon brand page where you sell a metal pile composter. 

If you use this search term, your chances of getting a conversion are lower than if you used the word “metal composter.” This means you’ll always get traffic that isn’t appropriate, which will lower your conversion rate.


Create a parent structure if you have a big range. This helps with goods that come in different versions. Combining versions not only combines the reviews, but also shows customers the wide range of colors, patterns, set sizes, and other options. This helps buyers make decisions and also encourages natural cross-selling.

Caution: Parents that are too big or have too many types can also have quirks. People who are interested in buying a product and clicking through its variations will collect sessions on each variation, but they will only buy one unit in the end.

Visitor numbers greatly rise, but they hurt the conversion rate when they only buy one item.

Read More: What Are the Key Steps to Starting a Successful Amazon Business?

Launch your Amazon CRO test

Next, make a trial to improve your conversion rate and run it on Amazon FBA. The test can be set up in a tool. To start the tests, just send your two versions, labeled version A and version B.

Simply switching between your versions will put them all together in an easy-to-read report. Your product page will need to be changed by hand if you decide to do your tests. Setting times for switching between the two versions is also important.

You could, for instance, run the first version one week and the second version the next. Figure out a plan and write down the results no matter how you switch between the two.


Good Amazon product photography and A+ content are great ways to show off the benefits and features of your goods, and an Amazon product video is even better. Videos can help your Amazon product listings get more views and sales, according to research on video marketing. Some important facts about Amazon product videos are shown below:

  • There is 69% more traffic to websites from video marketing.
  • Landing pages with videos turn 800% more than those without them. They get 16.85% of visitors to engage, while only 2.14% of people who see standard banners do so.
  • 55% of people today watch videos online
  • Videos are a great way to sell your business, and all the evidence points to the same conclusion: folks who watch a product video are more likely to buy it.

Until recently, only Vendor Central accounts could add Amazon product videos. When Amazon added this feature to Seller Central accounts in the US in September 2020, sellers and brand owners listed through Brand Registry could also watch Amazon product videos. 

International markets don’t yet have access to Amazon product movies, but there’s a good chance that they will continue to add more options in the future.

The big question now is: should you? Brands listed in the US through Brand Registry can add a product video to their Amazon listing.

Amazon Product Video Guidelines

It’s important to think about both the rules and directions you have to follow and the personal preferences of your customers when planning and making your product videos. 

One example is that 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound, and people can remember 90% of what they learn from a video but only 10% from reading text. 

These numbers make it easy to see how they could affect how you make Amazon product videos. For example, you could make videos that are visually striking with little to no dialogue or listicle videos that focus on a few key features of your brand or product.

The latest rules for Amazon product videos are shown below. For more details, go to your Amazon Seller Central account.

  • Must be English
  • You must own the brand and have ownership of the products to substantiate your claims with evidence.
  • Do not denigrate other brands.
  • Must not include prices, discounts (including “cheap,” “affordable,” “on sale,” etc.), promotions, or time-sensitive information.
  • No health/medical claims or advice
  • Content must not be contentious, sensitive, or sexually explicit, and should not divert viewers from Amazon.
  • If you cite customer reviews, give verifiable product facts.
  • Customer reviews must be under a year old.

The list shows that these rules have a big effect on making videos, and Amazon FBA doesn’t usually give writers a lot of leeway when it comes to rules. Also, think about the long-term goals of your business. 

Should you talk to a lot of people if you want to grow foreign markets? In what languages and cultures will your video make sense? Will it have the same effect? These are questions that you should answer before you start production.


Do you know what the 5W+H formula means in journalism? Quick tip: To get things done, you need to know who does what, where, when, why, and how. 

It turns out that the same method works for writing product descriptions as well. For whom is this item meant? What are its most important parts? It’s for sale where? When does a client use it? Give me a reason to buy it. In what ways can they use it? 

The explanations of your goods need to answer all of these questions. There will be no doubt about what you are trying to sell if you do it right.

Lack of online visibility will keep people from buying from your brand. For that reason, SEO and product details work best together. You should try more than just using the most famous keywords:

  • Write naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Find high-frequency, low-competition keywords. 
  • Improve headers and subheadings
  • Use meaningful tags where applicable.
  • Sometimes a small SEO change can have a significant effect. Try different formulas until you discover one that works for all descriptions.