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Branding Tips on Amazon for More Repeat Sales with Emma Schermer Tamir

Branding Tips on Amazon for More Repeat Sales with Emma Schermer Tamir

Last updated on August 10th, 2021 at 10:05 am

Having good branding can be the difference between attracting 5 star reviewers and repeat buyers vs. being doomed to lower your prices.

Emma Schermer Tamir has 10 years experience in branding and shares her best Amazon branding tips to maximize customer loyalty and perceived product value.

What does branding REALLY mean?

How do you find the right balance of keyword optimization and good branding?

What style of copywriting gets the highest Amazon conversion rate?

Danny Carlson covers this and more on this episode of the Actualize Freedom Podcast with the Marketing by Emma founder, master of “Emmazon” listing optimization.

Website: www.marketingbyemma.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/marketingbyemma
Email: emma@marketingbyemma.com

Emma Tamir

Emma Schermer Tamir

Emma Schermer Tamir transforms her insatiable curiosity into conversion-spiking copy. As co-founder of Marketing by Emma, she’s helped over 700 businesses from around the world boost to their sales and build their brands. Create best selling Amazon listings and website copy that makes your dream clients excited to click “Add to Cart” with the Emmazon team!