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COVID-19 Response: Payment Terms, Alleviating Cash Flow for Amazon Sellers


Last updated on August 12th, 2021 at 03:47 pm

The Amazon Seller/ ecommerce business community is doing their best to deal with the rapidly escalating COVID-19 outbreak. Governments & individuals are being appropriately cautious to help contain the disease, but small to mid sized Amazon FBA focused brands are being hit particularly hard.


Factories in China have been shut down & are reopening to chaos, way behind on fulfilling orders, or some haven’t opened again at all.

That’s money in inventory tied up, doing nothing, creating cash flow concerns for many Amazon Sellers.

At this point, it looks like the WHO thinks things will get worse before they improve, so at Kenji ROI we’ve been thinking deeply about what we can do to help our clients and ecommerce brands weather this unforeseen situation in their businesses.

Lenient Payment Terms

The biggest issue our clients face from the Corona virus outbreak is cash flow concerns. Not only is their cash tied up with factories yet to produce their goods, but some niches have lower sales, and others will soon run out of stock.

Normally we require 100% payment up front for all projects

To help play our part, during the outbreak Kenji ROI will be offering payment terms of 30% down payment, net 30 on the last 70%.

In plain English that means you pay 30% of your invoice immediately, then the final 70% within 30 days of Kenji ROI delivering your completed work.

This will be moved back to our regular payment terms once the outbreak has subsided, but it’s our way to bear some of the burden & assist ecommerce businesses during these tough times.

Danny Carlson Half Face

Danny Carlson

Kenji ROI CEO & Amazon seller from Vancouver, Canada. Huge adrenaline junkie/ life hacker competing in downhill longboard races, meditating after ice baths, & reading dense psychology books…