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What Are Some Amazon Product Photography Pitfalls To Avoid?

Last updated on May 21st, 2024 at 01:10 pm

For Amazon sellers, Amazon Product Photography can be worth a thousand words and a thousand bucks. Unfortunately, once Amazon sellers get their listings up and running, they often ignore their first pictures. This is a huge mistake. When you’re Selling Something on Amazon FBA, Amazon Product Photography is very important. Your Amazon images aren’t just something you have to do for the offering; they’re also an important part of your marketing plan.

When a customer comes to your listing, the first thing they may see is a picture of your product. You don’t want that to be a bad impression. Don’t make these mistakes with the photos on your Amazon ads. Proper Amazon Product Photography can make all the difference in attracting and converting potential buyers.

amazon product photography

Random Reflections And Shadows

The light is no longer in our way. Now is the time to look at shadows. Too many light sources are a big reason why random shadows and reflections show up in the first place. It’s not too hard to take pictures of products against a black background.

However, using a single light source allows you to capture cold white photographs without shadows. Like, if you use fake white light, only use fake white light on the front, back, and side of your image. Also, don’t put anything else in front of your light source besides your subject.

Cluttered Or Busy Backgrounds

When you have an excess of elements in your shot, viewers may start to focus on the bad parts. This may lead your listeners wrong. Attention spans are short in humans. Your customer’s attention and potential sales are at risk if the background is distracting.
Attracting people’s attention to your product should be your initial goal. Equally important is maintaining a minimalistic and clean background.

Simply placing your subject in front of a white or vinyl backdrop will help you avoid overly busy backgrounds. Follow the guidelines for lighting that were outlined in the first item. With the help of artificial illumination, the product will look better.

A lightbox can be an affordable investment if you’re just shooting a tiny product. Using y green screen allows you to easily change the background of your images in post-production.

Out-Of-Focus/Blurry Pictures

The main reasons why photos are out of focus or blurry are –
Not preparing the camera to focus on the product’s most prominent features in advance
Camera shakes

Using a tripod and adjusting the shutter delay can help you take better photos. Point the camera’s focus at the parts of your product that you wish to highlight.

With a tripod, you don’t have to hold the camera to get a steady shot. Turn your camera on its own. You can then change which parts of your product you want to focus on. When you use manual mode (M), your camera’s features will be at their best.

You can make the lens bigger to F/2.8, F/5.6, or F/11. This will make the features of your picture stand out. To find the best F-stop for your product picture, test your lens. Try different camera modes between F/5.6 and F/16 to find the best one for you.

Getting Too Creative With Angles Or Product Positioning

You have to sell to both cold and warm audiences all the time if you run an Amazon FBA. Anyone in this group either just found you or knows you but isn’t sure if they want to buy from you.
Sincere communication, showing your product from various angles, and listing its benefits are the best ways to get this group of people to buy. We can trust each other more.

Your product picture is the most your customer will see of your goods on a screen. People can see what your product will look like when they buy it if you take pictures of it from different views.
Get different views when you take pictures. Take front, back, and close-up pictures if it makes sense. Get pictures from different views. You can get rid of the items at a later time.

To keep the pictures from looking different, make sure that the camera is always at the same distance from the subject. Your product pictures sell your items when you’re selling them online. Your audience will believe you more if there are more pictures of your product. Picturing your item from various views is recommended. Your product’s benefits should be your main focus.

What specifics about your goods would you like to know as a buyer? Your buyer may be influenced by the fabric’s color, feel, and quality. While using a tripod, keep your camera connected and move your subject around. To make sure that all of your listing images have the same focus length, do this.
The quantity of pictures will have different values depending on the type of goods you’re selling. More shots are needed for high-end goods. Pick up a few close-up pictures of the homemade item you’re selling. Three to five pictures should be enough.

Show how it came in its box. After that, show the back of the box. If the handle can be pulled back, show it pulling back. If it has chemicals, put a list of them on the product package. If it’s not as big as a nickel, put it next to a nickel. The customer can hold and turn over each of these items several times.
For instance, a seller of dog leashes uses a single picture to show a lot of different things about their item.

The picture tells buyers that the “lobster clip” is, in fact, “robust,” that the leash is 8 feet long, that the handle is padded, and more. Everything was said in one picture. On the other hand, this seller uses different pictures, but they all say the same thing. Over and over again.

Ignoring The Product’s Most Important Features

Features are what make your product unique compared to other related products on the market. Has your product been redesigned? What makes this offering unique compared to others like it?

Knowing what makes your product unique and what it has to offer will make it easier to catch on camera. Making it easier for potential customers to see will help you get more sales. Focus on these parts of your product throughout the amazon product photography.

Zooming in and focusing on the features of your product can make them stand out. Changing the lighting will help the details stand out.

Taking The Photos Yourself

This error seems like it should be common, but a quick look at Amazon’s Product descriptions shows it’s not. They might be trying to save money or have a false belief in their photography skills, but thousands of sellers try to make their product pictures.

If you were looking for a dog leash, these pictures of products might interest you. We’d all be tempted to take our pictures of products if our hands looked that good. If you look at these pictures, though, you might think that this item is being kept in the back of a guy’s shed. A strong sense of workmanship or business sense is not emitted.


No matter what kind of camera you use—a phone camera or a normal camera—make sure to put it on a tripod to keep it steady. One cheap tripod can be found on Amazon. It’s possible to get away with just holding your phone or camera in your hand, though, if it’s not too big.
Make sure to speed up your shutter speed to at least 1/125 when you use a camera to avoid blurry pictures. This will make the picture clear and good.


A plain background is needed for both your main picture and the infographic images. Chart paper or white building paper can be used for your white background pictures. Place a long piece of paper on a table and stick the very top of it to the wall with tape.

If you do this, your pictures will have a flawless white background. Others suggest using a white cloth, but I don’t think that’s a good idea because it will make the image editing process harder than it needs to be because it will leave seams in your background that are hard to get rid of.

For most of the infographics, you can use chart paper with a single color. Either the background color should go with your product or box, or it should be one of your brand colors. You can also use silk or linen cloth for jewelry or skincare items. You can also use a linen cloth or a tiled background to make a fake kitchen for some cooking items.


The sharpness and amount of detail in your picture depend on its resolution. Amazon’s minimum size for uploading is 500px by 500px, which is very small and will cause pictures to be of low quality. Besides that, this will stop the zoom function from working on your pictures.

People who shop online need the zoom feature because they can’t see the product in person and need to be able to zoom in on it to get a better look at it. This also lowers the chance of getting bad reviews and returns that aren’t necessary, which can happen when customers’ standards aren’t set correctly.
For the zoom feature to work, the minimum size is 1000px by 1000px, but Amazon says that won’t give your customers the best zooming experience. The reason for this is that your picture’s resolution is not good enough to make it clear enough to see. Amazon FBA recommends 1600px by 1600px so that buyers can see all the features in your picture no matter what size it is.

Many sellers think that only the best cameras can get that high of a picture. In reality, even the camera on your phone can take a high-resolution picture.

Avoid Model for Lifestyle Images

Lifestyle amazon product photography is a great way for potential customers to picture themselves using your product. If it makes sense for your product, use models in your lifestyle photos. Either hire a model or, better yet, ask a family member or friend to be your model.
What if you can’t afford to hire a model and can’t find anyone willing to do it for free? Don’t worry—you can take your pictures.

You should choose a figure who looks like the people you want to reach. For instance, if you sell wooden toys for kids, most of the people who will buy them will be parents. Adding a picture of a mother and daughter playing together will help the moms who might buy the toys picture themselves and their kids playing with them.

Read More: Amazon Product Photography Guide : The Key to Creating a Strong Online Brand

Not Appropriately Using The Available Image Space

There should be honesty between every online seller and their buyers. Shooting the item from an angle that shows its true size is best.

To give you an example, if the product picture is too small, it might leave a lot of space in the frame, and you might miss some of the product’s important features. However, if the picture of the product is bigger than its original size, it could mislead the buyer, making the shopping experience bad.
The brand’s rating is directly affected by this. Users should plan their Amazon product photography with Amazon’s image aspect ratio rules in mind.

Skip The Filters

There is a chance that you are using too many effects to improve the look of your pictures. Filters don’t always make photos look bad; more often than not, they blur particular parts of the picture.
As an example, the blooms of a flower will look blurry if you take a picture of it and then use a filter to make it look brighter. Anything around the subject is blurred by the filter, which is why the flowers’ edges are gone.

If you’re trying to sell something, that’s not good for you. That way, customers don’t feel like anything is being kept from them. Your customers will feel better about the quality of your goods when you use professional amazon product photography.

Pick A Style And Stick To It

The way you picture your products is part of how people know your business. Your e-commerce store will look messy and unprofessional if you try out different shooting styles for each of your product lines. The more consistent you are, the more people will trust you and your business. Keep your brand’s style and vibe in mind.

Make sure your photographer knows what kind of shots you use for seasonal lines or new Product Launches. This way, they can make sure that all of your listing images have the same look and feel.

Unnecessary Props

Take it off if it will distract people from your jewelry. You might think your jewelry will look good on a model or with props, but this style of shooting is better for editorial work than for showing off your products. Remember that your products should get all the attention.


If you over-edit your listing images, they will lose their natural beauty and authenticity. To clarify the point, think about an example of heavily edited jewelry photos that look excessively glossy and perfect.
Excessive photo editing could detract from the product’s true qualities by making it look fake and unreliable.
It is essential to be careful while adjusting product images to avoid this trap. Minimal changes that bring out the product’s best features without changing them fundamentally are fine. Take your time fixing small flaws, tweaking the contrast and lighting, and checking the colors.
Customers will continue to have faith in your business if you can strike a balance between being realistic and visually appealing. Product photographs that do justice to your offers and speak to your ideal customers are the result of careful editing.

Lack of Variety

Customers may not be able to fully understand your product’s features and benefits if the photos you use are mostly of the same thing. A product description might only have one picture of the front of the item, for example.

Consumers are left wondering about other important features, like its size, texture, and how it works because this view is so limited. Displaying your goods from different angles and points of view is important to avoid this mistake.

Include lifestyle pictures to show how the product is used in real life, close-up shots to show small details, and shots from different angles to give a full picture.
Many listing images can help you show how valuable your product is and answer any questions or concerns that potential customers might have. This will eventually lead to more engagement and sales.

Read More: The Power of AI Amazon Product Photography: 5 Ways It Can Transform

Final Thought

Differentiate yourself from other sellers. Hire a professional, and learn how to use as many pictures as you are allowed. Do your best to sell your product in the 15 minutes that Amazon gives you.

Get rid of bad lighting, cluttered backdrops, and boring angles. Make your listings stand out with bright product photos.

Let it sparkle with just the right lighting with KenjiROI.